TESL-0140 - Unit One - My Learning Plan

by - 18:56

I am starting a new course in the TESL program this week about assessments and evaluations. I am looking forward to this course because I will be able to understand the differences between tests, assessments, and evaluations. After reading the course outline, it looks like we will be briefly discussing how to obtain and provide feedback to students. I am particularly interested in this because it can be difficult to understand what particular elements of activities and lessons that students are having trouble with and what they would like to know. I want to make sure that I understand and meet the needs of students in my teaching and that the feedback that I provide to them is helpful and meaningful. As such, I would like to focus on the concept of feedback in my learning goals for this course. I have attached a pdf that outlines the learning plan that I will follow so that I can achieve my goals and do a self-assessment at the end of this course.


Improulx. (2011). A lineart of a list [Digital image]. Retrieved January 13, 2019, from https://openclipart.org/detail/118645/list-liste

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