TESL-0170 - Reflection on Starting my Practicum

by - 15:07

I am currently completing my practicum requirement because the TESL certificate program is wrapping up. I have been placed in a program with courses that run for eight weeks. The classes do not correspond directly with specific Canadian Learning Benchmarks (CLB) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) levels. Most of the students are university-aged and at a higher beginner level. Their motivations for taking the program varies from personal development to plans for obtaining further education in English.

The teaching context for my practicum is quite different from my experience volunteering in an ESL classroom. The two contexts will be compared below.

Practicum Placement
  • Students are mostly university-aged. (i.e. 18-25)
  • Students are literate in both their L1s and in English.
  • Students require less scaffolding and do not need literacy supports.
  • Students have received formal education.
  • Students have previous experience learning English.
  • Classes are eight weeks long.
  • There are classes for learning specific English language skills. (e.g. reading, grammar, writing, etc.
ESL classroom
  • Students' ages range from 18-65.
  • Students lack literacy skills in English and sometimes in their L1s.
  • Students require scaffolding and literacy supports.
  • Students have received limited formal education and it was likely interrupted.
  • Students have had minimum experience learning English.
  • Classes are ten months long and follow the school year.
  • The classes are expected to teach all English language skills and the lesson plans and activities will be used to practice multiple skills.
One of my goals for my practicum are to learn how to develop a learning plan for a class with a stricter curriculum and expectations than what I am used to working in. I expect that it will be challenging to create activities while teaching from the class textbooks. I would also like to learn about the differences in teaching reading and conversational skills.


Crazy PNG. (n.d.). Teacher image #32 [Digital image]. Retrieved from https://www.crazypng.com/94-teacher-png-images-free-download.html

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