TESL-0120 - Listening Activity

by - 19:44

We were instructed to make a listening activity for Unit 3 in our Listening and Speaking class.

When I was looking for resources that I could use for this activity, I came across a website called Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab.The website has a wide assortment of recordings, preparation exercises, and comprehension activities for beginner, intermediate, and advanced students. I decided to use this recording for my activity because the dialogue is easy to follow and it uses simple vocabulary that should be accessible for beginner students. The recording is of a conversation between a father and his young daughter after he comes home from work.

I also found a book called "Fifty Ways to Teach Listening: Tips for ESL/EFL Teachers" by Janine Sepulveda. I liked activity two, which involves listening to a recorded message or story and putting a list of events in order of when they appear in the recording. I decided to modify this activity a bit in order to focus on the conversation between the two characters. I chose this activity because it seems like a good way to connect the development of listening skills with understanding the relationships between statements/questions and responses/answers. I have provided a script and worksheet for this activity below.


Family Activities

Objective - Students will be able to listen to and identify question and answer statements in an audio clip and determine which answer statements are used in response to the questions.

Level - Beginner (CLB Level 1-2)

Context - This activity can be used as part of a unit about family or how to ask and answer questions.

Pre-Listening Exercise (approx. 5 minutes) - Review the structure of open-ended questions (ie. who, what, where, when, why, and how) and how they are typically answered. Explain the past tense and the meaning of words that may be unfamiliar, like "supplies"and "cousins." Have a short discussion about the types of activities that young children do during school and when they come home after school.

Activity #1 (5-10 minutes)
Have students listen to the audio recording of the conversation between a father and his young daughter. Explain to students that the greeting and questions are in chronological order in the left column and that the answers are on the right side but out of order. Instruct students to listen for the questions and responses and match them by drawing lines that connect them together. Replay the recording as needed. Correct the worksheet as a class.

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